"Mine" "Mine" "Mine".... is all I hear these days. What is with that? It is getting
pretty really ridiculous. And
kinda really annoying. Most of the time I respond with "No baby, actually it is NOT yours, it is Mama's, but I'm so nice to share with you, right?" (that one really pisses him off). Or sometimes it is his (whatever IT is) and I respond with "Yes baby, that is yours, you are so right." He likes that response. He will then nod and go on his happy little way back to whatever he was doing. However, what bothers me the most about this new word is that my kid doesn't stop saying "mine" until I acknowledge that IT is indeed HIS. Even when IT is not. Like take yesterday for example. We were outside with the neighborhood kids and Parker and another boy, Charles, decided they wanted to switch cars for the night. Charles wanted Parker's green racecar, and Parker wanted Charles' red car from the movie "Cars" so us moms thought they could just switch for the night and switch back today sometime. Sounds like a great plan, right? Everyone is happy, right? WRONG. After all the kids ran inside for dinner and Parker and I were about to go inside after "the ol' car switch-a-roo", Parker stood in our lawn, would not budge, and refused to move. I was calling him to come inside with me, but he just stood still, griping the red car, saying.... can you guess it.... "MINE". I responded "Well no sweetheart, it is actually Charles' car, he is just nice enough to let you borrow it". Parker then said, "No, MINE!" Still not budging. Ugh! We went back and forth like this for what seemed like forever. The only way I could get him inside was to agree with him. It was annoying, but I had to get the kid inside for dinner and bath. So I sucked it up, swallowed my pride, and said "Fine, yes, it is your car." He smiled, happily agreed with me, and ran inside for dinner. Ugh! I hope this phase ends fast, but it is never going to end if I keep agreeing with him just to make him move on from it. I need another strategy STAT.
I mean, of course I've heard of the "terrible twos", and I actually don't agree with that saying. Parker has never been as much fun as he is at this very second. I love who the boy is becoming, and I can finally communicate with him now. It is so much fun. He really is just so sweet. Now, if we can just get over this "mine" crap, then I think this terrible two thing is, well, pretty damn awesome.
Parker's teacher, Ms. Tessa, sent this picture to me last week. The text caption on this picture was as follows: "Parker was wearing this apron passing out flowers to his friends this morning. Precious!".
SEE.... My boy IS Sweet (most of the time)!