Parker randomly busted out singing "Old McDonald Had a Farm" last night. He was actually saying the entire sentence instead of just parts of it like he use to do. I was able to catch a tiny bit of it on video (see below). Every time I would play it for him afterwards, he would belly laugh harder than I've ever heard him belly laugh. Then, out of nowhere, as he is cracking up watching himself, he says to me "I HILARIOUS!" I just about died. I wish I had that comment on tape. By the way, I tried chiming in and singing along with him, but he would get mad and say "no singing momma". Then he would carry on happily on his own.
Then, on Sunday night, after dinner with my parents, we got home and I was putting away some peaches that my mom had given us. Parker asked where we got them and I said Grandma gave them to us. His response.... "Oh, Grandma is very nice!" Again, this is like no big deal to most parents who kids have always been on-track in regards to language, but for a Momma who's kid didn't speak until after 2... this is HUGE.
Oh and one more new thing is doing... Having opinion on what he wears AND having to put his underwear and pants on by himself. OMG! This can be frustrating when you're in a hurry. For the most part, he is actually pretty good at it, but it is him having an opinion on what he wants to wear that drives me nuts.