Monday, March 25, 2013

Giving Thanks

What a weekend we had.  It was bitter sweet. Bitter because I was away from my baby boy for 4 days/3 nights... longest I've ever been away from him.  But sweet because my best friend, Molly, married such a great guy.  It was also "sweet" because I got to spend some great quality girl time with some of my closest friends.  We had a wonderful time in Hilton Head and the grandparents did an exceptional job taking care of Parker and making sure to send me updates on him.  Lots of updates.  I so appreciate my in-laws and parents... more than I could ever tell them.  They took on a HUGE task of switching him on and off over the weekend.  He had a blast, and according to them, he didn't even ask about his beloved mamma. Although that news stung a bit, I was happy to know that he was having so much fun with his grandparents to worry about where I was.  Here are just a couple of the MANY pictures and videos I got over the weekend of my boy.
Coloring with Grandma
Fast asleep at Nannie's house.  He sleeps just like his mamma does!
A really short video, but Parker has on Grammie's glasses, and it is too hilarious not to post.

It was the most exciting thing to go pick up Parker on Sunday afternoon.  I literally jumped out of my car and couldn't have run fast enough inside Nannie's house to grab my boy.  Oh the look on his face was priceless.  He almost bursted into tears he was so happy to see me.  And the feeling of him gripping my neck with his tiny little arms and hands was hands-down one of the best feelings.  He wouldn't let go of me, and I honestly did want to ever let go of him.  Missed him SOOOOOOOOOOO much! When we got home, to my surprise, I soon learned that his vocabulary had expanded greatly over the weekend.  He learned so much from his grandparents over the weekend. I was amazed at all the new words and partial sentences he was saying that I've never heard before.  The biggest surprise to me was the manners he came home with.  Over the past 4 months or so I've really been working with him saying thank you and please.  He would always repeat it, but never willing did it on his own.  Until now. Every time I handed him something yesterday he said "thanks"! WHAT?!! I didn't prompt him or anything. Then we were sharing some chips and he looked at me and said "more chips please".  WHAT??!! My boy has manners! So, to Nannie, Grandma, and Papa.... Thank you for teaching our boy to give thanks! It is the cutest!
And one more thing I must document before I leave this post.  Parker went pee pee in the potty last night! Yay! He is totally not physically ready to start really potty training, but last night was the first time he asked to go on the potty AND ACTUALLY WENT!

Ok, so here are some fun (but horrible quality) I-phone pictures from the weekend...

Getting our groove on! Matt & I love to dance at weddings. Even if we look ridiculous!
BIG thanks to Molly and Tom for having such an awesome and fun wedding! Love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being such a big part of our wedding weekend. I know it has to be difficult to be away from that precious boy of yours! We love y'all too!
