Monday, April 15, 2013

spring is here...

This past week was my spring break from work.  It was an awesome week to say the least.  I'm going to break my week into 2 posts though or this post would be forever long.  The first part of the week I soaked up every single moment with my boy because I knew I would be leaving him for a few days when I went on my girl’s trip.  We spent about every waking moment outside.  We went to the park, played with the neighborhood kids, had a playdate with the Beahm's, went to the zoo with Aunt Lala & Charlie, went on lunch dates, got icecream, went shopping, and even broke out the baby pool.  Here are a few pics I captured....
Of course, we even had to bring the art outside for P to get some inspiration
Taking a snack break from our neighborhood kickball game

Checking out the big kids...

Parker & Charlie checking out the Panda's
Parker saying "shhhhh, bears night night". So freaking cute!

Carter took Parker on a jeep joy ride while I got some much needed catch-up time with Ash.

Not sure why our drink buckets are in there, but what-eves, the kid is having a blast.
He is so random somethimes!

Parker and I had such a great time together and I cannot wait until summer time.  If you have to be a working mom like I do, then being a teacher is seriously the best of both worlds. Only 28 more days til summer break, but who's counting?!!

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