Friday, April 26, 2013

My Top 10... For now

I often think about all the things I absolutely love about my child.  I figured I'd better jot them down before any of them disappear.  We all know that what they do for a while sometimes doesn't last forever.  I just don't want to ever forget some of my favorite things he does right now. 
So here you are, in no particular order.....

10) The way you say “thank you” 95% of the time we hand you something.
9) Your amazing memory.  For example, when I’m on the phone you always ask “who dat?”…. when I say it is Aunt Bean (Christine) you reply with “eggs?” because the last time you saw her we dyed eggs together.  Or when I say it is Aunt Lala (Lauren) you say either “zoo?, Charlie?, and/or Brett?”
8) Your obsession with skin on skin.  (Yes, I know he isn't a newborn anymore).  They way most kids feel about blankey’s is the way you feel about skin.  When trying to fall asleep or just snuggling, you absolutely must either be rubbing my face or my ear or my arm or my stomach.  It is kinda weird, and it totally creeps daddy out, but that’s ok.  It’s you.  It's what you do.
7) Your helpfulness. Or at least your attempt to be helpful.  Whether it is making a meal, doing the dishes, cleaning up something that spilled, putting the laundry in the dryer, sweeping the floor, etc., you always come running to help.  I love that. And wish it will never change, but we all know it will, so I’ve got to let you help while you still LOVE to do it.
6) The way your little brain is turning inside your teeny tiny head when I talk to about something.  You look at me with such intent on trying to figure out and comprehend what I am saying.  I know you know what I am talking about at least 85% of the time.  You are a smart little guy and it so clear that your brain is making so many connections all the time.
5) How you call Grandma (my mom) “maw maw”.  You just started calling her that all on your own because you couldn’t say Grandma.  It’s almost exactly like mama, but with a more southern draw at the end of it.  Not sure if it will stick, but for now, I love that my mom and I share the same name. She is my hero (and so is my dad).
4)  Your honesty. Well at least with everything but pooping….
      Parker, did you bite Layla? Yes.  Ugh!
      Parker, did you spill that?  Yes.  Ugh!
      Parker, did you hit Harlen?  Yes.  Grrrr! Go in Time Out!
      Parker, are you doing a poo poo?  Noooo, ount uh.  Liar.
3) Your love for being outside.  If you could choose to do or be anywhere it would be outside.  You love it and so do I.
2) The way you sing.  You know a lot of songs and sometimes I hear you singing them in the other room when you think nobody is listening.  Mama is always listening though.  On this particular day you were singing “Row row row your boat”, but the only part you sang was the “merrily merrily merrily” part.  So freaking cute to me.  Mostly when you sing you just say the last word in every line.  It absolutely melts me.  
1) Your sweetness.  I mean, lets be honest, yes, you have a devilish side to you... don’t get me wrong, but it rarely comes out and you usually think it is funny and don’t mean anything mean-spirited by whatever you do wrong.  However, majority of the time you are a pure angel.  Filled with lots of hugs, kisses, and snuggles for no reason except for love.  And that I will always. I will always will love you. 

Giving Layla hugs and kisses


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