Monday, January 28, 2013


Matt and I took the day off on Friday for Parker's ear tube surgery.  Parker has had about 4 ear infections and constant fluid in his ears for about 2 months, so the doctor FINALLY recommended this procedure.  I was so happy that he was going to have this done, and finally feel some relief in his little ears.  I had tubes when I was little, as have so many of my friend's kids, that I really wasn't nervous at all.  The doctor described Parker's hearing as it being "muffled" and like he was hearing under water. Poor guy.  So, we got to the surgical center at 7:45 a.m.  Then we got Parker dressed in this cute little purple gown and cute surgery socks... which HE HATED... who can blame him though... he was wearing a purple gown!  He eventually calmed down, but then FREAKED out again when the nurses took him from me to take him back for surgery.  Poor little guy was crying out for "mama" as they walked away from us.  Matt was sweet, and comforted me as I shed a few tears.  Not 10 minutes later, the doctor came out to tell us everything went great! Ahhhh, relief! The doc said that he had sucked a lot of thick mucus out of Parker's ears, and his hearing should be so much better.  Ahhh, another sigh of relief.  Then we were allowed to go back and see my groggy drunken little man.  Oh he was so sweet and so cuddly.... and so thirsty too.  Matt go a video of him post-op that I think is just so dang cute that I have to post so I can re-watch it later in life. 

Pre-surgery Snuggles 

                                                                  Post-Op Cuddles

Post-Op Grogginess....

By the time we got home Friday morning, Parker was back to his normal silly self.  Poppie and Grammie brought over a sweet "get well" pirate ship present.  However, we already have the pirate ship, so Matt, Parker, and I jumped in the car and heading over to Target to exchange it for something else.  We ended up getting him playdough.  My friend, Christine's, little boy loves playdough, so I thought we'd give it a shot.  Outcome... successful! Parker LOVES playing with it.  So thank you Nannie and Poppie for another new Parker obsession!

           We spent the rest of our weekend with lots of snuggles and kisses.  And mohawk making....

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