2 Years Old!
I cannot believe my baby boy is now 2 years old. He is the most amazing little man I know, and he completely controls me! Ha!
At 2 years old Parker is...
- Saying around 50 words. I know, I know, he is so behind in talking, but he has made so much progress over the last 2 months that I'm starting to believe that he will be ok and is just a late talker.
- Climbs on EVERYTHING... tables, dog crate, shelves, window seals, tv stand. You name it. He's climbed it!
- Thinks it's funny to call Matt and I by name... Seriously, he sometimes calls us "Matt" and "Mayme (aka Amy)" to get our attention. He only says "Mayme" when he frustrated with me or I am not giving into what he wants.
- He is OBSESSED with his mamma. At home, I am the only one that he allows to change his diaper, play with him, feed him, bath him, etc. It can be suffocating, but I sure do love him, so I deal.
- He has an incredible memory. It.amazes.me.
- He is starting to learn his colors. He can say and identify "blue, pink, and yellow".
- Can correctly identify almost any animal you can think of.
- He refuses to nap at daycare, but will take 3 hour naps at home (thank god).
- Goes to bed at 6:30 - 7 on daycare days, and between 7:30-8:00 on the other days.
- Weighs 22 lbs (2%ile) and Height is 33 inches (13%ile). Lord help us. I have accepted the fact that Parker is just a teeny tiny precious boy that just doesn't like to eat a lot. The doctor is not worried, so neither am I.
- Loves playing with our I-phones and actually knows how to work them quite well.
- Goes to daycare Monday-Wednesday, My in-laws on Thursday, and my parents on Friday. He sure is a blessed boy!
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