Drawing! This kid is obsessed with drawing on his new easel he got from Grammie for his birthday. He would draw all day if we let him. Unfortunately, this activity has to be supervised for obvious reasons, so we keep this easel out of site in the garage, and bring it in about every other day for him to enjoy. He loves for mommy and daddy to draw things too. His most popular requests for us to draw are: "Bowwow" (dog), "kitty", "Dada", "Mama", "Parker", Spiders, "Papa".
Outside! This boy is obsessed with being "outside". Too bad it's been so cold out or we would venture out there more often. We live in an awesome cul-de-sac were there are tons of kids to play with. His all time favorite friend is "VJ". VJ is 7 years old, and absolutely loves Parker. He is so good with him, and it is so sweet to watch. Our neighbor Ethan is about 3 1/2 and likes to play with Parker too. We have a lot more neighbors with kids, but these are the ones he sees most frequently. I'm posting a video that VJ insisted on taking. It's pretty funny if you know the kid. He is a hoot!
VJ teaching Parker how to ride a scooter
Ethan and Parker
VJ's Video
Vacuums! I wish I loved to clean as this boy does! Thank you Aunt Molly for giving Parker his own vacuum for his birthday. He is ob-sessed with it!
ChooChoos! I made the mistake over Christmas break by taking him to the mall and on the choo choo train. Now he expects it EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. we go to the mall. I was so embarrassed the first time we rode the train because #1) we were the ONLY people on the train #2) everyone at the mall had to move out of the way for the train to go by. Parker made up for it by waving at everyone as we went by. He's lucky he's cute!
Riding the Choo Choo
Lolipops! So we have a drawer in our kitchen that is filled with dum dum lolipops. Parker's favorite is the "BLUUUE" ones. He only gets 1 a day (after a meal) if that. And boy does he throw a fit when I tell him no.
Cheersing! Dada taught Parker how to "cheers" to each other, so of course, now Parker is obsessed with cheersing. He also like to "cheers" lolipops with his mama when she has a lolipop too. Here is Parker cheersing himself. So freaking cute.
His Grandpas! Last, but certainly not least, are his "Papa" (my dad) and "Poppie" (Matt's dad). Parker is OBSESSED with his grandfathers. And I mean OBSESSED. Yes, he absolutely LOVES his grandmothers, and goes to them to be fed, cuddled, nurtured, snuggled, and if he gets hurt, but other than that he has to be right by his grandfather's sides at all times. Matt and I are so blessed to have such amazing parents (on both sides) who have become unbelievable grandparents. We can only dream to be as good as parents as they were to us, and hope to live up to their grandparent status one day. We seriously don't know what we would do without all their help, love, and support.
Papa teaching Parker about tools
Poppie and P having fun with bubbles
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